Welcome to this introductory tutorial about splines! Splines
are a powerful modeling tool, which has it's pro's and con's, but for me until now, I have found mainly pro's. Modeling
with splines is very different from box/polymodeling, but in the end the results will be much alike.
The Basics
I'll start right away with showing you the absolute basics, that will come
back all the time when you start using splines. So fire up 3D Max, go to the Create Panel > Shapes > Splines > Line.
Click the Line button. You now get some options in the panel: Rendering, Interpolation, Creation Method and Keyboard
Entry. If everything is ok, then Creation Method should be rolled out. Set Inital and Drag type both to corner.
Now go the front viewport and draw a hexagon (a six sided 'circle'), by clicking where you want each point, and connect the last (the 6th with the first again) and when the pop-up with 'Close Spline' comes, click Yes. Your result should look something like so, it doesn't matter if yours isn't exactly the same as long as it resembles it and has six points:
Alrighty, now go to the modify panel. You see it's called Line01 and that the object
is of the type 'Line', and has a small 'add sign' before it, this means that it has multiple sub-objects (just as with
editable polies, they have Vertex, Edge, Face, Poly and Element sub-object...). Click the
'add sign' before Line and see that Splines have the following sub-objects: Vertex, Segment and Spline.
Click Vertex to go into the vertex sub-object, you see a small button lights up in the modify panel (under Selection), this button
is the exact same thing as the one you clicked just now, these let you go in to specific sub-objects. You also see that
the vertices of your hexagon are shown, with one square one. That's your initial vertex, the one where you started drawing
the hexagon. Move some vertices around and you'll see that it behaves normally, the lines that go from vertex to vertex
move along, so nothing spectacular.
Click the second sub-object (Segment) and you see that your vertices
changed from small crosses to different small crosses! ;) You can still recognize the initial vertex, is has again a small
square around it. The segment sub-object and one step 'larger' than vertex. It can be compared with the edge sub-object
in editable polies. When vertices have dimension 0, edges/segments have dimension 1. Select a segment and move it around,
you see that again it behaves natural.
The last sub-object, is Spline, go in it (nothing changes in comparison to the Segment sub-object (maybe your selection is gone),
again the same diagonal crosses for vertices) and select something, you see that the entire hexagon is selected. So this is the
largest sub-object, entire splines can be selected, nothing smaller. You'll see later on, why this can be handy. For now go back
to the vertex sub-object.
PS: Tip: To go in and out of the sub-object of an object (Spline or Editable Mesh/Poly) use Ctrl + B, to cycle through the
different sub-objects, use Insert.
Now pan down the modifier panel to the 'Geometry' roll-out. The options here are
all essential to spline modeling, stuff like Create Line, Attach, Weld and Refine are used ALL the time. We'll start
with Create Line.
Click Create Line (make sure you're in the vertex sub-object),
and now you can draw new lines, but that are part of the original spline, so you still have one object. So for instace, draw a
rectangle inside the hexagon. It may be that it doesn't become entirely square when you click 'Close Spline > Yes' again,
but we won't worry about that until later. But what if you don't want to close the spline all the time? What if you wanted to make
a U-shaped line? Ah, yes, that's easy, just right-click when you want to end drawing a (new) line. Try to make one, this time
inside the rectangle.
Right click to go out of the 'Create Line' mode, go into Spline sub-object, and select
the hexagon, then the rectangle and then the U-shape, you see how it works? You have created three new splines, but they
are part of the same object (Line01). Now remove the last two mentioned, by selecting the rectangle and the U-shape and
hitting delete.
Back in the vertex sub-object, click Refine and move over a segment of your hexagon, you see that the cursor changes
from the original arrow to a cross with two lines above it, one with an extra dot. Refine adds vertices to existing segments!
So try to break the top and bottom segment (in VERTEX sub-object!!) into two parts, by adding a vertex in each of them.
This is very handy for adding detail to an existing spline model and something you'll be useing
intensely once grabbed by the power of spline modeling. Right click to go out of the Refine-mode.
I'll explain something new one, that you may not have thought was important, but it is! If you already undertsand how it works, then
you can skip this part: Snap. Snap let's the cursor snap to something you want, for instance vertices or grid points. This may be handy
when you want to draw/make something that certain measures, or when you want something to line up with an existing object.
Press 's' to turn snap on (you should see a
button turn on and off somewhere in the UI (user interface) when you press it). As default it snaps to grid points, but we don't want
that, so right click the snap button to bring up the Grid and Snap Settings, click the Vertex radio button to turn it ON and click the
Grid Points radio button, to turn that one OFF. Move your cursor over the vertices and see how it 'snaps' to those points
and a small cross turns up when you are around one.
Okay, now click 'Create Line' again, and draw a line between the two vertices you just created, with snap turned on. If snapped isn't
turned on, then you won't draw a line that goes from one vertex to another (which is required later on), but a line that is in the vincinity
of those two. And in three dimensions it is absolutely imperative to use snap, or otherwise it's impossible to draw a line
from one vertex to another... Believe me.
Okay, now refine the newly created segment and draw a line from the most left vertex to the middle of the new segment (where you
just made a new vertex) and on to the most right vertex. We are taking this up another notch! :)
As said, snap is important. The new vertices that you draw will come at the EXACT same spot
as the ones you are trying to snap them to. This does not mean that you can't distinguish them anymore, you can still select them
both, but they need to be at the same place to form a whole.
Vertex Types
Up until now, we have only used Corner vertices (we set that in the complete beginning, remember?). But this way only very
square objects could be created. So naturally there's more, there are three other types:
Smooth: Non-adjustable vertices that create smooth continuous curves. The curvature at a smooth vertex is
determined by the spacing of adjacent vertices.
Corner: Non-adjustable vertices that create sharp corners.
Bezier: Adjustable vertex with locked continuous tangent handles that create a smooth curve. The curvature
at the vertex is set by the direction and magnitude of the tangent handles.
Bezier Corner: Adjustable vertex with discontinuous tangent handles that create a sharp corner. The curvature
of the segment as it leaves the corner is set by the direction and magnitude of the tangent handles.
One of the things that probably isn't clear when you read this are 'tangent handles'. These are helpers that you
can move around to set the angle of the corner around a vertex. I'll explain some more, with the spline we have made
until now.
Go into the vertex sub-object, select the upper left and upper right vertices, hover over one with your mouse until
it becomes a cross (the one for moving or selecting, it doesn't matter, as long as you're on one of them) then right click to
bring up the Quad Menu. In the upper left corner you see the four different Vertex Types, click 'Smooth'. You can see
how your spline has changed, it's smooth around the two vertices you are selecting! Move them down a bit to smooth
out the line some more, so that it goes through the middle vertex without a discontinuity of the derivative.
Now select the lower left and lower right vertices, right click one of them, set Vertex
Type to Bezier. Now try to move the bezier handles (the orange lines with squares at the end), by moving the squares and see
how your splines reacts to it, it tries to keep it smooth no matter what you do: in the vertex the derivative is continuous. This
is exactly what it said in the description: 'continuous tangent'.
See if you can make something similar to the shape I made below, it's not hard, but if you can make it match this, then you could
make it match (almost) any shape you want.
Select the most right vertices (there are two, but you can only see one, because they're snapped) and set the type to 'Bezier Corner'. This time the bezier handles are there again, but the shape hasn't changed and it's not continuous either. Once more exactly as in the description of this type of vertex: 'discontinuous tangents'. Move each of the three handles around and see what it does with the shape of the spline. This type of vertex I use the most: you can create smooth surfaces that end in a 'square' form, you are in control most with this type of vertex, you could even make it continuous if you wanted it, but also square, this one has it all. It takes effort to get exactly how you want it, but at the end this ones the most powerfull. Yet still, sometimes you don't even need it, for instance when making very smooth objects...
Now that you know the basics and the vertex types, try to fool around, make
some trial spline cages, see how it reacts when you make all the vertices of the Smooth or Bezier type,
try to understand why it behaves the way it does, because if you do, then and only will you be in control to make
whatever you can imagine!
I haven't mentioned the surface modifier yet, but I'll shortly go into what it does and how to use it. The surface
modifier is your tool to make something out of you spline cage. Once you have the cage, then apply the modifier
and voila, one surface! But there are rules that you have to attend to, to make the surface modifier work the
way it should: 'Make sure that the Spline vertices form valid three-sided or four-sided polygons. Vertices
on splines that cross one another should be coincident'. Look in the help file that ships with 3D Max
under 'surface modifier', you'll find all the information you need there. Again, fool around with different
settings for the Surface Modifier, try different Patch Topology Steps, maybe add an additional MeshSmooth...
Trial and error is the way.
That's it, this is all I have to say for the time being, maybe you should try to apply the newly acquired knowledge in the next tutorial:
Spline Car Modeling.
finally someone has put the answer of 'where is the splines button:P'
anyways...thx for the basics..
ive seen many techniques of modelin a car, the common one was using the splines....
nways...thx again:)
thanks you to much again...