That's not just the best answer. It's the beestst answer!
Evaline 2011/08/13
I really nedeed to find this info, thank God!
cavatz 2006/08/20
bravo su^perbe
eslam 2006/07/24
i want this car
Onno van Braam 2006/04/17
It's basically the car, with half a cilinder around it with some holes. Above the cilinder I put a rectangular spot light, which casts the volume light through the holes I made in the cilinder.
The visible end of the cilinder is closed, but the side at the back of the car is still open to cast in some more light.
All the 'weird' stuff (at the back and on the sides of the cilinder) are render artifacts because of something that had to do with the smoothing groups.
Carl Visagie 2006/04/09
Nice renders!
Any chance you could elaborate on the studio/tunnel render you did here?
The visible end of the cilinder is closed, but the side at the back of the car is still open to cast in some more light.
All the 'weird' stuff (at the back and on the sides of the cilinder) are render artifacts because of something that had to do with the smoothing groups.
Any chance you could elaborate on the studio/tunnel render you did here?